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Brace Yourself! 3D Printing is Revolutionizing Dentistry

April 27, 2022

Technological innovations are constantly bringing big changes to healthcare, and dentistry is no exception. For instance, 3D printing will make taking care of our teeth easier, less painful, and more affordable.

3D Printing & Dentistry

While there are almost limitless possibilities for the application of 3D printing in dentistry, some of the most common needs for patients include braces, dentures, and crowns.


Did you know approximately 5 million people in the United States wear braces? Many of these people must keep braces on for more than 18 months. 3D printing could make the dream of straightening teeth faster a reality with “smart braces”. These semi-translucent 3D printed braces put LED lights and a battery on each tooth. The LEDs emit light imperceptible to the eye but would hasten bone regeneration and tooth movement. The benefit? Your newly improved smile will be ready for its close-up so much faster!

3D Printed Dentures

Currently, 3D-printed dentures are only being used in clinical trials, but this would be a tremendous game-changer for many Americans. 3D printing can do so much more than current dentures can: dentists can map and print the denture base, the gums, and the teeth. This will result in truly custom-made dentures that are better fitted, better looking, and more closely like the patient’s real teeth.

3D Printed Crowns

One of the most frustrating and tedious procedures for patients to endure is getting fitted for a crown. Currently, the dentist must get a mold, create a temporary crown for the patient to wear until the permanent one is ready, wait for the lab to make the crown, and have the patient return to place it in the patient’s mouth. Sometimes, the crown doesn’t fit and the procedure has to be redone. With 3D printing, the process can be done in-house by the dentist. They will get a scan of the patient’s teeth and print the crown right then and there. This process is incredibly time-saving, and the professional can modify and reprint the crown if there is a mistake. As much as 3D printing can help simplify and improve dentistry, the best dental care is still brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups with your dentist.

Looking forward to the cost savings that 3D printing could make possible is one thing, but getting in on the cost savings that a Dental Plan from your association and AMBA can provide you with today is another. Our plans can save you on routine cleanings and cavities, crowns, dentures, and more. Sign up for the plan that’s right for you now at or call 866-979-0497.

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