Celebrate Summer with Our Peach Blueberry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Celebrate Summer with Our Peach Blueberry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

by ARSEA | July 3, 2023

If your summers are loaded with BBQ’s, get-togethers, and a little over-indulging, you probably need to add more nutrition to your diet. Smoothies are a great way to start every day. They’re not only delicious, but also a quick and easy way to ensure you get the recommended daily fruit and veggies and are packed with extra vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber.

This Peach Blueberry Smoothie Bowl is the perfect combo! It’s simple to make yet has a complex flavor and it includes local peaches!! Plus, it’s vegan, and allergy friendly. (If you have a nut allergy, simply remove the nut butter or substitute with your favorite nut-substitute option). This recipe is for one serving.



  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 fresh peaches
  • 2 tablespoons nut butter 
  • 14 cup coconut milk
  • 1 banana 
  • 14 cup granola 
  • Add ½ tsp of flax seed which may improve cardiovascular health, support digestive health, and support weight management


  1. Blend blueberries, 1/4 of the banana, nut butter, 1 peach, and coconut in a food processor or blender. Blend until smooth and well mixed.
  2. Slice the remaining banana and dice extra peach.
  3. Pour the smoothie into a bowl. Top with banana, peach, and granola.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

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