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Far From Home and Need Emergency Dental Work?

July 30, 2021

We’ve Got You Covered

Whether you’re out of town on vacation, a business trip, or visiting family, the last thing you want to have to deal with is a sudden dental emergency. But, to paraphrase Murphy’s Law, the most inconvenient problems always seem to arise at the most inconvenient time.

The first thing to do during a dental emergency is to remain calm. The second thing is to contact your regular dentist. Together you can discuss if you should see a dentist immediately or if you can wait. This is important for two reasons. First, if you wait too long, then your symptoms may get worse. Ignoring the issue can result in not only additional pain but a dental solution that might become more expensive. Second, your regular dentist can work with your emergency dentist to ensure that important records are shared. This can help you get the best treatment possible.  

Emergency Dental Work - Take Care of ASAP

  • Broken Tooth: If you have a broken tooth, from even a minor breakage to a tooth broken in half, then you should immediately contact an emergency dentist. Before your appointment, be sure to clean your mouth with warm water, place a cold compress on your face, and take acetaminophen to help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Loose, Cracked, Fractured or Missing Tooth: Although loose teeth in adults aren’t typically considered emergencies, you should schedule a dentist appointment ASAP after noticing the problem. A loose tooth can lead to a fracture or crack, which can cause trauma inside your mouth. If you are missing a tooth, immediately contact an emergency dentist to help prevent infection.
  • Painful Toothache: Many minor toothaches aren’t considered dental emergencies. However, if your toothache worsens and or is unusually painful, contact a dentist. You might be suffering from an infection, abscess, or other serious condition.
  • Abscess or Pus: Abscesses are a dental emergency and should be treated immediately to reduce the risk of infection. If there is pus in your mouth, then you might have either a larger scale infection, or could indicate a bigger problem.
  • Bleeding Gums: Gums that are continuously bleeding or have resulted in a large amount of blood loss, are considered a dental emergency. However, it is important to note that minor gum bleeding, such as after you floss, is not considered an emergency. 

Unfortunately, emergency dental work while you’re away from home can’t be avoided. But you can be ready with a comprehensive dental plan. The Dental Plans from ARSEA/APEAL and AMBA give you access to thousands of dentists nationwide with coverage for a wide array of procedures, from simple dental checkups to root canals and more. Get your policy today at or call 866-979-0497.

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