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Listening With Care: All About World Hearing Day

February 24, 2022

World Hearing Day was created because the number of people living with or at risk of hearing loss is increasing. It doesn’t need to be so. The importance of maintaining the health of our hearing throughout our life cannot be underestimated. World Hearing Day helps educate the public that it is possible to maintain good hearing throughout your entire life with ear and hearing care.

Approximately 1 in 3 people between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing loss. People with hearing loss may find it hard to have conversations with friends and family, which can cause isolation and depression. Hearing loss can also cause difficulty responding to warnings like sirens or car horns, understanding a doctor’s advice.

Age-related hearing loss comes on gradually. Evidence suggests it runs in families and occurs because of changes in the inner ear and auditory nerve. Age-related hearing loss usually occurs in both ears, affecting them equally. The loss is gradual, so the person may not realize that they have lost some of their ability to hear.

Health conditions common in older people, such as high blood pressure or diabetes can contribute to hearing loss. A heart condition, a stroke, brain injury, or a tumor can also affect hearing.

March 3rd Is World Hearing Day

One of the slogans of World Hearing Day is “To hear for life, listen with care.” Being in environments that practice safe noise control and limiting your exposure to loud sounds are two of the most important ways to protect your hearing.

Loud music is one of the obvious risks for hearing damage. But many everyday chores can also injure the ear, including noise from lawnmowers, snowblowers, or vacuums that can damage the inner ear, resulting in permanent hearing loss. You can prevent most noise-related hearing loss. Protect yourself by turning down the sound on your stereo, television, or headphones; moving away from loud noise; or using earplugs or other ear protection.

Loud noise also contributes to tinnitus. Tinnitus is typically described as a ringing in the ears but can also sound like hissing or buzzing. It might occur in one or both ears, and it may be loud or soft. Tinnitus is sometimes the first sign of hearing loss in older adults.

If you notice signs of hearing loss, consider wearing a hearing aid. There are new hearing aids that can not only deliver crisp, clear sound but can also do everything from stream your favorite entertainment, isolate a voice in hard-to-hear places, to even translate languages directly to your hearing aids. These AI hearing aids can also remotely receive adjustments from your hearing professional, so you don’t even have to visit their office!

Learn more here.


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