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Living Your Best Life (At Any Age!)

October 27, 2021

As we get older, staying active and finding things that inspire us becomes more important than ever. Keeping healthy in mind, body, and spirit is the essence of good living!  Here are some ideas on how to improve the quality of your life at any age.


Physical Movement and Exercise

All age groups should recognize the importance of staying physically active. It becomes especially important as we get older. Older people are more prone to developing various mental health-related problems, such as depression.


The lack of physical activity can lead to issues with obesity, diabetes, and even memory loss. This doesn’t mean that you must hit the gym 6 times per week and train rigorously. Just make sure to lace up your shoes and go outside for a walk. You can also consider light exercises such as swimming, yoga, Pilates, biking, ballroom dancing – whatever you feel like doing.


Never Stop Learning

Remember the old expression “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”? It isn’t true – and even if it were, you’re not an old dog. The interest in learning new things is something we as human inherently possess. It doesn’t stop at a certain point in our lives.


It’s not just about keeping your brain sharp, but about having fun as well. Remember how you’ve always dreamed of having more time to spend doing the things that you like while you were still working? Retirement is the perfect opportunity to pick up those hobbies.


For instance, if you’re into music, continue to develop this passion in whichever way you can. Learn to play an instrument of your choice, start singing in a choir, etc. It’s a great way to stay curious, active, and to meet new friends!



Retirement is also great opportunity to finally do all the traveling you’ve always longed to. A cruise, vacation, even a day trip can be invigorating. And if you get hooked onto traveling, you’ll also get a chance to be physically active, meet new people, and learn something new. This can turn out to be a perfect formula for aging well!


Of course, while you’re enjoying the good life, it’s also a good idea to protect your loved ones with a great life insurance plan. Your association and AMBA have an amazing Whole Life policy that guarantees acceptance- even if you smoke, have weight issues, or any other reason. There isn’t even a health exam!


Joining is easy: you can purchase your policy online and it even includes a no obligation 60-day return policy.

Learn more about a Whole Life Policy through your association and AMBA at or call 877-290-3173.

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