The Person You Help Most by Volunteering Could Be…You!

The Person You Help Most by Volunteering Could Be…You!

by ARSEA | September 1, 2024

5 Surprising Advantages of Taking Part in Community Activities

Community service and volunteering are meaningful and important ways to give back to society. But helping others is also an effective means to unlock a wealth of benefits for yourself. AMBA explores the numerous unexpected advantages that enrich both you and your community. Hopefully, these can inspire you to engage in these fulfilling activities!

1. Health Advantages

When we’re doing good, we feel good. Research has found that volunteering is good for physical and mental health among adults aged 60 and over. Research also shows that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety, especially for people 65 and older.

Serving others can give volunteers a sense of purpose and belonging, which can positively impact their mental health and overall well-being. Feeling appreciated can also contribute to reduced stress levels.

Likewise, volunteering has been linked to the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancer. This is why volunteering has been known to provide a “Helper’s High.”

2. Social Advantages

Social interactions are at the core of volunteering, so by assisting others, you’re simultaneously helping yourself to meet new people. Volunteering can be an incredibly effective way to create a network of meaningful connections and supportive relationships.

3. Community Improvement

Performing community service helps people become more aware of their community's needs and learn how to work together as a team to address issues and create positive change.

Community service fosters a sense of civic responsibility and belonging, encouraging citizens to be more active in their communities. Plus, by helping others, you recognize your contribution can help others in your community!

4. Skill Development

Volunteer work can help you enhance or acquire valuable skills. These can include improved problem-solving, adaptability, and creativity, making it a brain-boosting activity.

Volunteers also learn to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and needs. This can help them develop resilience, cope with stressful or challenging situations, and adjust to new environments or changes swiftly and efficiently.

5. Cultural Sensitivity

Community service offers a platform for interacting with diverse groups, promoting cultural sensitivity and mutual understanding. This can help develop crucial emotional intelligence abilities and how to treat everyone with sensitivity and care.

Ultimately, volunteering can boost overall happiness, give people a sense of purpose, and enhance life satisfaction.

Your association provides many opportunities to rub elbows with peers - from association meetings to volunteering opportunities to group travel. There’s no reason to go it alone. Join the group! Visit your association’s website to learn about memberships and opportunities to volunteer.


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