Do Sunglasses Really Help Keep Your Eyes Healthy?
by ARSEA | July 3, 2023
We all know the importance of wearing sunscreen to protect our skin from prolonged exposure to the sun. What many people don’t realize or neglect to do is to take an equal amount of precaution to protect their eyes. Sunglasses are more than just a cool fashion statement or way to keep the sun out of your eyes on bright days.
Four Reasons To Wear Sunglasses More Often
1) You Immediately See the Difference
From the moment you put them on, sunglasses provide instant relief from the sun’s brightness and glare. Polarized lenses cut down on the sun’s harsh glare.
And it’s not just the sun’s intense rays that sunglasses protect your eyes from. As a physical barrier, sunglasses protect from wind, blowing dust, sand, and other airborne debris that could irritate your eyes and even scratch the cornea, which could cause permanent damage.
2) Protection Against Ultra-Violet Rays
In rain or shine, the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays are always present every day of the year. In fact, water, snow, and car windshields can reflect light into the eyes. So, if you’re in a car, on a boat, or around snow you’re getting a double dose of UV rays on a sunny day - the direct exposure from the sun and a second exposure from the reflected light.
It doesn’t matter how dark or the color of the lenses of the sunglasses. The most important thing is that they block 99 to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. A pair of high-quality sunglasses t can make the difference between enjoying a pleasant outdoor activity or damaging your eyes.
3) Prevent Sun-Related Eye Disease
Daily exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays over the course of years will significantly increase your risk for developing cataracts, macular degeneration, or other eye conditions. The sun’s rays can also cause eye cancer and a condition called pterygium, a growth of excess tissue on the eyeball. Fortunately, there’s a simple, convenient way to reduce the risk whenever you’re outside: wear sunglasses.
4) Avoid Headaches or Migraines
The sun’s bright light can trigger people who suffer from migraines or painful headaches. Wearing a high-quality pair of sunglasses that blocks out the sun’s light and protects your eyes is an effective, proven deterrent.
Select sunglasses with dark, high-quality lenses if you’re prone to such headaches.
How To Look and See Your Best
Sunglasses are an essential part of summer and lifelong health! If you need a new pair, then the Vision Plan from your association and AMBA is perfect for you. The plan has so many benefits, including coverage for a wide variety of sunglasses that look great and offer all of the protective elements you need to keep seeing your best for years to come! Plus, the plan covers an annual WellVision exam, 100% coverage for most lenses, even progressives, and thousands of nationwide in-network providers. Sign up today – acceptance is GUARANTEED! – at www.AMBAdentalvision.com or call 866-979-0497.
Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24798334/

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