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Your Eyes Aren’t Playing Tricks on You: There Is A Higher Risk of Blurred Vision in Winter

November 18, 2022

Did you know eye health problems can become a big problem during the winter months? New research shows that temporary blurred vision is far more likely to occur in winter when the atmosphere is cooler.

Symptoms of temporary blurred vision, especially if you already have issues with dry eyes, can be potentially dangerous. But although this can be a serious problem, there is good news: the condition can also be easily alleviated.

Why Blurred Vision Is More Common in Winter

These eye complaints are much more prominent during the winter because of atmospheric conditions. Colder weather causes the air to be cooler. Cool air can’t hold as much water vapor and becomes less humid than the warmer air we experience in summer.

The lower the air humidity, the more evaporation. This natural evaporation happens in lakes, rivers, even puddles in the road and – believe it or not - wet sidewalks. It even occurs in the moist tear film which covers our eyes and is made of 98% water content. This lack of moisture in the tear film causes dry eye syndrome.

Blurred vision is a direct result of dry eye symptoms. Reflex tears quickly flood the eyes due to the tear glands overcompensating for the loss of water. Your eyes will temporarily feel watery, causing light refraction and blurry vision.

An even bigger problem though begins when dry spots form on the cornea. This can cause images to become distorted or unclear. The problems of blurred vision are most likely to occur late in the day because of the build-up of pollution, smoke, and other dehydrating factors. If you use computers, a tablet, or even a smartphone for extended periods of time, you could be more likely to suffer from these problems in winter.

Those who suffer from dry eye and blurry vision are likely to experience these problems when driving at night, making it extremely dangerous. Car lights or street lights may appear streaky and could impair your vision on the road.

But relieving dry eyes can be as simple as taking regular breaks to rest your eyes. Massaging the eye area, using a hot compress, or doing regular eye exercises can also help. Dry eyes can also be relieved with lubricating eye drops.

Getting an eye checkup if you’re experiencing these symptoms is more important than ever in winter. Fortunately, ARSEA and AMBA have a Vision Plan that’s perfect for you. It provides quality coverage with low copays for services you need, including a WellVision exam covered every 12 months. Sign up now at or call 866-979-0497.


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