The Top 6 Dental Care Resolutions for 2024
Far more than any other time of the year, New Year’s is filled with gleaming, bright optimism to improve our overall health. Your resolutions can help give your teeth and oral health the attention and care they need. Want to raise the attractiveness of your smile and lower the costs of your dental care? Our Top Dental Resolutions for the New Year 1) Brush for a Full 2 Minutes...Read More
Who Gets the Call? Are Your Emergency Contacts Up To Date?
Nobody wants to think about a medical emergency happening to them. But everyone needs to recognize the importance of being prepared. No matter your age or how healthy you are, emergency contacts are one of the most important ways to be ready in case of a medical emergency. After all, unforeseen events like car accidents, severe weather events, or natural disasters can happen to anyone,...Read More
Be on the Lookout for These Gender-Specific Warning Signs of a Heart Attack
Early intervention can make a significant difference in heart attack outcomes. Half of those who suffer cardiac arrest experience a symptom 24 hours before the incident. However, new findings indicate the warning symptoms can be different for women and men. Sudden cardiac arrest outside a hospital has a ~90% mortality rate. Likewise, approximately half of the individuals who endure cardiac...Read More
Greasy Spoons in the Garden State: Couple Visiting Every Diner in New Jersey
Any diner devotee knows New Jersey is the diner capital of the world. There are over 400 greasy spoons across the state. One couple embarked on a mission to eat at every single one within state lines. In 2015, Jon and Karri Ricklin began their journey to eat at every diner in the Garden State. “We just thought it would be cool to drive around the state and sample and eat at every one...Read More