Are Toothbrushes with Soft or Hard Bristles Better?
When toothbrushes were invented hundreds of years ago, people had to debate which bristle material would clean their teeth more effectively, animal hair or twigs. Fortunately, our choices have improved since then. We have many toothbrush options, including toothbrushes with soft bristles and hard bristles. Many experts prefer soft bristles over hard-bristled toothbrushes. Here’s why:...Read More
How Vision Loss Affects the Brain
New studies indicate that when an older person’s brain has to work harder to see, declines in language, memory, attention and more could follow. The human body doesn’t function in silos. It works as an integrated whole. If one part of the body has extra stress put on it, it can affect other areas. As one researcher concluded, “Vision impairment can lead to cognitive...Read More
How Age Affects Your Vision on the Road
Healthy vision can be the difference between safe driving and getting into an accident. Because eyesight goes through changes as we age, maintaining the health of your eyes is important. About 90% of the Info Drivers Process Comes Through the Eyes It's a misconception that older drivers are unsafe drivers. One report determined older drivers don’t necessarily put others at...Read More
Cancer Patients Experiencing Chemo Brain: Get Those Feet Moving!
This October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month was greeted with some early good news: reports released in September indicate that breast cancer patients experiencing symptoms like "chemo brain" can benefit greatly with regular exercise. What is "Chemo Brain"? “Chemo brain" refers to common symptoms often reported by patients while undergoing chemotherapy. These symptoms include...Read More